Friday, May 17, 2013

Site plan approval, still continued...

After last week's promising update regarding the site plan, we were hoping that enough progress would be made in a week that we might just be able to get our building permit. Unfortunately we were being overly optimistic, but Matt met with the building inspector during his office hours yesterday nonetheless to give him a copy of our house plans so that he could be familiar with them when the time comes for us to apply for a building permit. It turns out that our engineer neglected to do something called a "Rescheck", which is required to get a permit, so it's just as well that we couldn't apply yet anyways. Yet another road block, but at least this sounds like a pretty small one that can be resolved pretty quickly.

So what's the hold up? At this point, our surveyor had the mylars of the site plan signed by the MCDOH and dropped off at the MCDOT. They should sign them on Monday, after which they have to go to the Town Engineer and then back to the Town Hall. The only unresolved issue is the drainage easement. Apparently the Town Attorney is still revising their standard easement wording, and has asked if we could wait until May 22nd or so to add the new language to the description. Then once the town planning board chairman signs the mylars, the surveyor will have to pick them back up and have prints made to distribute to all of the agencies. THEN we can get our driveway permits and the building permit. Slowly, we're getting there... We really would have liked to have been further along by now, but what can you do?

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